The end of progression.

Day 253 of 365

Back in the learning phase. I haven’t been trying to learn anything new for some time now and it has wasted precious time. Time I could have been adapting and growing stronger. Now I see the importance again and I am trying to save myself time by expediting my retouching process. Reigniting old routines. The night owl in me is coming out to watch how to youtube videos. You know you’ve been there and why wouldn’t you…We live in such an amazing time where education is as free as you want it to be and as expensive as you want it to be all at the same time. Education is a big part of my life if I am not constantly learning I feel like I am a pancake stagnant and wasting my time. Here are three things I am doing to learn right now.

1. Watching youtube videos on how to edit my photos faster but still get the same quality I do from photoshop.

2. Reading…specifically (Keith Ferrazzi's Never eat alone.)

3. Reaching out to friends for help with things I cannot figure out.

I hope you guys are progressing. Actively working towards a goal and not just a material. It’s never too late to learn.

Below photos feature edits I made in Capture one. A photo editing software I am hoping will help me speed up the editing process. The edits aren’t quite there yet but they are moving in the direction I would like to see them go.